What are Development Cost Charges?
Development Cost Charges (DCC’s) are fees set by the City to recover the financial costs of development. DCC’s are paid by developers and builders back to the City of Abbotsford at the Building Permit or Subdivision stage.
What are DCC's used for?
Why is the City reviewing the DCC Bylaw?
The review will enable the City to implement the recommendations outlined in the 2016 Official Community Plan and Master Plans for Water, Sewer, Drainage, Transportation and Parks.
As part of this update and review, information will be gathered by the City of Abbotsford, key stakeholders, engineering consultants and land developers and will include public stakeholder meetings and other opportunities for input. Urban Systems Ltd., has been retained to undertake this bylaw update.
How are DCC rates established?
What are the different land uses for which DCC's are charged?
The different land uses for which DCC's are applied to include residential, industrial, commercial, institutional and agricultural.
How are DCC rates applied?
o For commercial and institutional buildings, the DCC rates are applied by square meters of the gross floor area of the building. For industrial buildings (the subject is under review), the DCC rates are applied by the gross area of land (HA). Additional information can be found in the current DCC bylaws – Bylaw No.1812-2008 and Bylaw No. 1983-2010.