What does 'Community' mean to you?

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Let’s Talk Community!

Creating a healthy community to live, work and play is what makes our city a great place to be!

We want to know what is important to you to create a community. Is it parks and natural spaces, maybe its family and safe places to play with them; or local events or great restaurants featuring food grown right in our own backyard. Let us know what community means to you. Send in a photo, picture or a story by September 13.

All entries will be entered to win an Abbotsford community prize pack full of coupons, local products and items to celebrate our community spirit. Check out the videos to see what community means to your Councillors!

Let’s Talk Community!

Creating a healthy community to live, work and play is what makes our city a great place to be!

We want to know what is important to you to create a community. Is it parks and natural spaces, maybe its family and safe places to play with them; or local events or great restaurants featuring food grown right in our own backyard. Let us know what community means to you. Send in a photo, picture or a story by September 13.

All entries will be entered to win an Abbotsford community prize pack full of coupons, local products and items to celebrate our community spirit. Check out the videos to see what community means to your Councillors!

Page last updated: 13 Sep 2024, 04:59 PM