What are DCCs?

    DCCs are fees collected by local governments to help fund the cost of growth-related infrastructure expenditures. DCCs are regulated by the Local Government Act. The rates charged reflect the impact growth has on infrastructure, parks, and eligible protective services; the greater the impact, the larger the charge. This helps ensure development contributes its fair share towards the necessary growth-related infrastructure improvements that development benefits from.

    What are ACCs?

    ACCs are fees collected by local governments to help fund the cost of growth-related amenities. ACCs are regulated by the Local Government Act. Similar to DCCs, the rates charged reflect the impact growth has on amenities; the greater the impact, the larger the charge. This helps ensure development contributes its fair share towards the necessary growth-related amenity improvements.

    Who pays DCCs and ACCs and when?

    DCCs and ACCs are paid by applicants at time of approval for subdivision or building permit, as the case may be.

    What do DCCs pay for?

    DCCs pay for capital cost upgrades needed to support growth by assisting in the funding of:

    • Transportation Infrastructure
    • Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure
    • Water Infrastructure 
    • Drainage Infrastructure
    • Parkland Acquisition and Development
    • Protective Service Infrastructure (i.e., fire halls and police stations)

    What do DCCs not pay for?

    DCCs cannot be used to pay for: 

    • Replacing infrastructure solely to service existing residents
    • Operations and Maintenance
    • Community amenities or facilities such as recreation, affordable housing, libraries, etc.

    What do ACCs pay for?

    ACCs pay for capital cost upgrades needed to support growth by assisting in the funding of facilities or features that provide social, cultural, heritage, recreational or environmental benefits to a community including:

    • Community, youth, or seniors’ centres
    • Recreational or athletic facilities
    • Libraries
    • Public squares

    What do ACCs not pay for?

    ACCs cannot be used to pay for:

    • Replacing amenities solely to service existing residents
    • Operations and Maintenance
    • Affordable housing
    • Projects that can be funded through a DCC program

    How does this impact the Community Amenity Contribution and Density Bonus Program?

    The City current has a Community Amenity Contribution and Density Bonus Program that includes contributions for Recreational Amenities, Emergency Services, and Affordable Housing. The new ACC Program will collect for Recreational Amenities. The updated DCC Program will collect for Emergency Service Amenities. This leaves affordable housing as the only amenity category left in the CAC Policy and Density Bonus Program. The following interim approach is proposed to ensure the city is not double funding categories: 

    • Maintain reduced CAC for affordable housing only, applied at time of residential rezoning (Policy Update)
    • Maintain reduced Density Bonus Program for affordable housing only (Zoning Bylaw Amendment)

    In-Stream Applications 

    Subject to Council consideration, the new DCC and ACC rates are anticipated to come into effect in early 2025. However, the Local Government Act provides special protection from rate increases for complete applications (as determined by the City) that are submitted prior to the bylaw adoption dates.

    *specific date to be provided once the bylaws are adopted.

    The previous DCC rates will apply to any developments with in-stream applications which receive final subdivision or building permit approval within 12 months of the effective date of the bylaw. 

    In summary, if an application meets the required criteria of being submitted prior to the effective date of the new bylaws, it is provided protection from DCC and ACC rate increases for one year (12 months) if final subdivision approval is granted or building permit issued within that timeframe.

    Statutory Exemptions from DCCs and ACCs

    As per provincial legislation, the following are exempt from paying DCCs and ACCs:

    • Development in which a DCC or ACC has previously been paid;
    • Development that does not impose a new capital cost burden;
    • Places of Worship;
    • Self-contained residential dwelling units no larger than 29 m2 (312 ft2); and
    • Building Permits for work that does not exceed $50,000 in value.