Highstreet Transit Exchange

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Planning is underway for the Highstreet Transit Exchange. The need for a transit exchange in this location was identified in the City's Transportation and Transit Master Plan and in the BC Transit Future Action Plan to support the future transit network, accommodate the increase in service levels, and improve customer experience. The new transit exchange will be built on Highstreet Access Road, between Mt. Lehman Road and Cardinal Avenue. While currently, the site accommodates the #1, #2, and #66 Fraser Valley Express bus routes, the new exchange will enhance connections near growing neighborhoods in the Mt. Lehman areas and throughout Abbotsford to provide residents with greater access to transit.

The City would like to get public input and feedback on the Highstreet Transit Exchange concept design. The concept design for the Highstreet Exchange includes:

  • Six bus bays;
  • New accessible wide sidewalks;
  • New shelters and benches;
  • Improved street lighting;
  • Crosswalk and wayfinding signage;
  • Bicycle amenities;
  • Street trees; and
  • Landscaping areas.

We value your input! Please view the concept design and share your initial feedback and ideas below.

Planning is underway for the Highstreet Transit Exchange. The need for a transit exchange in this location was identified in the City's Transportation and Transit Master Plan and in the BC Transit Future Action Plan to support the future transit network, accommodate the increase in service levels, and improve customer experience. The new transit exchange will be built on Highstreet Access Road, between Mt. Lehman Road and Cardinal Avenue. While currently, the site accommodates the #1, #2, and #66 Fraser Valley Express bus routes, the new exchange will enhance connections near growing neighborhoods in the Mt. Lehman areas and throughout Abbotsford to provide residents with greater access to transit.

The City would like to get public input and feedback on the Highstreet Transit Exchange concept design. The concept design for the Highstreet Exchange includes:

  • Six bus bays;
  • New accessible wide sidewalks;
  • New shelters and benches;
  • Improved street lighting;
  • Crosswalk and wayfinding signage;
  • Bicycle amenities;
  • Street trees; and
  • Landscaping areas.

We value your input! Please view the concept design and share your initial feedback and ideas below.

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 11:45 AM