Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening
Consultation has concluded

The City has partnered with the Provincial and Federal governments, through the Building Canada Fund and Transport Canada’s Rail Safety Improvement Program, as well as with Southern Railway of British Columbia and Canadian Pacific Railway, to improve traffic congestion and safety in the Vye Road area.
The project includes a 1.3km widening of Highway 11 to extend the NEXUS lane from south of Vye Road to the US border, building a two-lane overpass on Vye Road, between Highway 11 and Riverside Road, and safety improvements to the 4th Avenue at-grade railway crossing west of Highway 11.
The Contractor achieved substantial completion for the Vye Road Overpass on November 28, 2023. The overpass was opened to traffic on this day, with the Contractor completing some final roadworks prior to being fully opened to traffic on Friday, December 8, 2023.
The City has partnered with the Provincial and Federal governments, through the Building Canada Fund and Transport Canada’s Rail Safety Improvement Program, as well as with Southern Railway of British Columbia and Canadian Pacific Railway, to improve traffic congestion and safety in the Vye Road area.
The project includes a 1.3km widening of Highway 11 to extend the NEXUS lane from south of Vye Road to the US border, building a two-lane overpass on Vye Road, between Highway 11 and Riverside Road, and safety improvements to the 4th Avenue at-grade railway crossing west of Highway 11.
The Contractor achieved substantial completion for the Vye Road Overpass on November 28, 2023. The overpass was opened to traffic on this day, with the Contractor completing some final roadworks prior to being fully opened to traffic on Friday, December 8, 2023.
We want to hear from you!
Share An unmarked shoulder does not hold up to scrutiny against the official community plan that prioritizes active transportation and transit over other modes of transportation. AAA active transportation infrastructure is required. on Facebook Share An unmarked shoulder does not hold up to scrutiny against the official community plan that prioritizes active transportation and transit over other modes of transportation. AAA active transportation infrastructure is required. on Twitter Share An unmarked shoulder does not hold up to scrutiny against the official community plan that prioritizes active transportation and transit over other modes of transportation. AAA active transportation infrastructure is required. on Linkedin Email An unmarked shoulder does not hold up to scrutiny against the official community plan that prioritizes active transportation and transit over other modes of transportation. AAA active transportation infrastructure is required. link
An unmarked shoulder does not hold up to scrutiny against the official community plan that prioritizes active transportation and transit over other modes of transportation. AAA active transportation infrastructure is required.
Ross_Brown asked about 4 years agoThank you for your comments. The City’s Transportation and Transit Master Plan designates Huntingdon Road and a portion of Vye Road as ‘Bicycle Lane; Paved Shoulder’ to accommodate active modes of transportation. The new Vye Road overpass design includes accommodations for pedestrians with a concrete barrier separated sidewalk, and a 1.7 m shoulder that is intended to accommodate cyclist on the structure in each direction. These items will support the active transportation considerations for the road infrastructure on either side of the overpass.
Share So now that 2020 is complete (amen), what is the updated timeline on this? As clearly its not going to be completed in 2021. This is a great project, and I hope it all comes to ASAP. Especially the Huntingdon access and the Nexus lane extension. on Facebook Share So now that 2020 is complete (amen), what is the updated timeline on this? As clearly its not going to be completed in 2021. This is a great project, and I hope it all comes to ASAP. Especially the Huntingdon access and the Nexus lane extension. on Twitter Share So now that 2020 is complete (amen), what is the updated timeline on this? As clearly its not going to be completed in 2021. This is a great project, and I hope it all comes to ASAP. Especially the Huntingdon access and the Nexus lane extension. on Linkedin Email So now that 2020 is complete (amen), what is the updated timeline on this? As clearly its not going to be completed in 2021. This is a great project, and I hope it all comes to ASAP. Especially the Huntingdon access and the Nexus lane extension. link
So now that 2020 is complete (amen), what is the updated timeline on this? As clearly its not going to be completed in 2021. This is a great project, and I hope it all comes to ASAP. Especially the Huntingdon access and the Nexus lane extension.
Greenshot asked about 4 years agoThank you for your question. The project construction is planned to start in March 2021. The initial construction will include road and signal improvements along 4th Avenue, between Riverside Road and Highway 11 (Sumas Way), as part of the project detour implementation. These initial works will help facilitate the flow of traffic through the project areas impacted by the Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening Project. Works along Vye Road and Highway 11 are planned to begin in summer 2021 and will extend through to late 2022.
Share When does this project start construction on Facebook Share When does this project start construction on Twitter Share When does this project start construction on Linkedin Email When does this project start construction link
When does this project start construction
Jim Dooley asked about 4 years agoProject construction is expected to start in March 2021. Initial construction works will include road and signal improvements along 4th Avenue, between Riverside Road and Highway 11 (Sumas Way), as part of the project detour implementation. These initial works will help facilitate the flow of traffic through the areas impacted by the upcoming construction on the Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening Project.
Share Great idea! I'm just curious if the line-ups into the Abbotsford Transfer Station have also been considered with this new traffic model? I have seen it back up at least twice this summer so much so that it starts to impede traffic at the intersection of Hwy 11 and Vye Road. on Facebook Share Great idea! I'm just curious if the line-ups into the Abbotsford Transfer Station have also been considered with this new traffic model? I have seen it back up at least twice this summer so much so that it starts to impede traffic at the intersection of Hwy 11 and Vye Road. on Twitter Share Great idea! I'm just curious if the line-ups into the Abbotsford Transfer Station have also been considered with this new traffic model? I have seen it back up at least twice this summer so much so that it starts to impede traffic at the intersection of Hwy 11 and Vye Road. on Linkedin Email Great idea! I'm just curious if the line-ups into the Abbotsford Transfer Station have also been considered with this new traffic model? I have seen it back up at least twice this summer so much so that it starts to impede traffic at the intersection of Hwy 11 and Vye Road. link
Great idea! I'm just curious if the line-ups into the Abbotsford Transfer Station have also been considered with this new traffic model? I have seen it back up at least twice this summer so much so that it starts to impede traffic at the intersection of Hwy 11 and Vye Road.
bethv asked over 4 years agoThank you for your question. Traffic entering the First Class Transfer Station was not specifically considered in the modelling. However, the number of vehicles that access this property would have been included in the traffic count data used for the project.
Share Excellent idea! Thanks. We could use the same overpass by Costco for McConnelle Rd., which was promised years ago. Education of the public on how to use roundabouts is a much needed intervention. I've lived in the UK for 7 years and most drivers I see here a clueless. on Facebook Share Excellent idea! Thanks. We could use the same overpass by Costco for McConnelle Rd., which was promised years ago. Education of the public on how to use roundabouts is a much needed intervention. I've lived in the UK for 7 years and most drivers I see here a clueless. on Twitter Share Excellent idea! Thanks. We could use the same overpass by Costco for McConnelle Rd., which was promised years ago. Education of the public on how to use roundabouts is a much needed intervention. I've lived in the UK for 7 years and most drivers I see here a clueless. on Linkedin Email Excellent idea! Thanks. We could use the same overpass by Costco for McConnelle Rd., which was promised years ago. Education of the public on how to use roundabouts is a much needed intervention. I've lived in the UK for 7 years and most drivers I see here a clueless. link
Excellent idea! Thanks. We could use the same overpass by Costco for McConnelle Rd., which was promised years ago. Education of the public on how to use roundabouts is a much needed intervention. I've lived in the UK for 7 years and most drivers I see here a clueless.
scottcalder asked over 5 years agoThank you for your comment. The scope of the Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening project changed previously due to budget constraints and, as a result, the crossing at McConnell Road is no longer included in this project.
Share how will the extension of the Nexus lane affect people who live in Huntingdon? on Facebook Share how will the extension of the Nexus lane affect people who live in Huntingdon? on Twitter Share how will the extension of the Nexus lane affect people who live in Huntingdon? on Linkedin Email how will the extension of the Nexus lane affect people who live in Huntingdon? link
how will the extension of the Nexus lane affect people who live in Huntingdon?
Lyndac asked over 5 years agoAccessibility to Huntington will improve as the new extended Nexus lane will be dedicated to Nexus card holders and Huntington traffic, while the through lane will be for general border traffic and access to 4th Avenue.
Share In my opinion all a roundabout would do is cause stress, accidents and it would inconvenience truckers. I thought they were going to build a overpass at the Vye train tracks. That wait is ridiculous. I know a roundabout would be cheaper to build but it's not going to solve anything. on Facebook Share In my opinion all a roundabout would do is cause stress, accidents and it would inconvenience truckers. I thought they were going to build a overpass at the Vye train tracks. That wait is ridiculous. I know a roundabout would be cheaper to build but it's not going to solve anything. on Twitter Share In my opinion all a roundabout would do is cause stress, accidents and it would inconvenience truckers. I thought they were going to build a overpass at the Vye train tracks. That wait is ridiculous. I know a roundabout would be cheaper to build but it's not going to solve anything. on Linkedin Email In my opinion all a roundabout would do is cause stress, accidents and it would inconvenience truckers. I thought they were going to build a overpass at the Vye train tracks. That wait is ridiculous. I know a roundabout would be cheaper to build but it's not going to solve anything. link
In my opinion all a roundabout would do is cause stress, accidents and it would inconvenience truckers. I thought they were going to build a overpass at the Vye train tracks. That wait is ridiculous. I know a roundabout would be cheaper to build but it's not going to solve anything.
susan1 asked over 5 years agoThe project includes a road over rail overpass that will eliminate waiting times and in addition to the overpass there will be a roundabout where the overpass ties in with Riverside Road
Share Will there be an accommodation for a safe bike path? on Facebook Share Will there be an accommodation for a safe bike path? on Twitter Share Will there be an accommodation for a safe bike path? on Linkedin Email Will there be an accommodation for a safe bike path? link
Will there be an accommodation for a safe bike path?
John Haak asked over 5 years agoVye Road, from Highway 11 to Riverside Road will have a 1.7m paved shoulder in both directions and a 1.5m sidewalk on the north side.
Share You can’t seriously be considering putting a round about here!!? With the number of trucks and farm equipment this will be a disaster! on Facebook Share You can’t seriously be considering putting a round about here!!? With the number of trucks and farm equipment this will be a disaster! on Twitter Share You can’t seriously be considering putting a round about here!!? With the number of trucks and farm equipment this will be a disaster! on Linkedin Email You can’t seriously be considering putting a round about here!!? With the number of trucks and farm equipment this will be a disaster! link
You can’t seriously be considering putting a round about here!!? With the number of trucks and farm equipment this will be a disaster!
Bife asked over 5 years agoThe roundabout is considered the best option for the Riverside Road/ Vye Road intersection and will be designed to accommodate trucks and farm equipment.
Share At long last an answer to the traffic problems in that area! As a resident on the the 34 block of King Road, can I ask for freight traffic to be made to continue down McCallum to Vye Road instead of coming down King Road? The McCallum/Vye Road junction is less difficult to negotiate than the King/Riverside one. The size and number of trucks using our section has increased over the years, and the King Road/Riverside junction is very tight for semi-trucks, plus with the latest provision for homeless, there are far more pedestrians than ever before. on Facebook Share At long last an answer to the traffic problems in that area! As a resident on the the 34 block of King Road, can I ask for freight traffic to be made to continue down McCallum to Vye Road instead of coming down King Road? The McCallum/Vye Road junction is less difficult to negotiate than the King/Riverside one. The size and number of trucks using our section has increased over the years, and the King Road/Riverside junction is very tight for semi-trucks, plus with the latest provision for homeless, there are far more pedestrians than ever before. on Twitter Share At long last an answer to the traffic problems in that area! As a resident on the the 34 block of King Road, can I ask for freight traffic to be made to continue down McCallum to Vye Road instead of coming down King Road? The McCallum/Vye Road junction is less difficult to negotiate than the King/Riverside one. The size and number of trucks using our section has increased over the years, and the King Road/Riverside junction is very tight for semi-trucks, plus with the latest provision for homeless, there are far more pedestrians than ever before. on Linkedin Email At long last an answer to the traffic problems in that area! As a resident on the the 34 block of King Road, can I ask for freight traffic to be made to continue down McCallum to Vye Road instead of coming down King Road? The McCallum/Vye Road junction is less difficult to negotiate than the King/Riverside one. The size and number of trucks using our section has increased over the years, and the King Road/Riverside junction is very tight for semi-trucks, plus with the latest provision for homeless, there are far more pedestrians than ever before. link
At long last an answer to the traffic problems in that area! As a resident on the the 34 block of King Road, can I ask for freight traffic to be made to continue down McCallum to Vye Road instead of coming down King Road? The McCallum/Vye Road junction is less difficult to negotiate than the King/Riverside one. The size and number of trucks using our section has increased over the years, and the King Road/Riverside junction is very tight for semi-trucks, plus with the latest provision for homeless, there are far more pedestrians than ever before.
John Mason asked almost 6 years agoThank you for this question, I will forward your request to the City's Transportation division to respond
Who's listening
Phone 604-864-5583 Email ddriedger@abbotsford.ca
Stage 1 - Public Information Sessions
Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening has finished this stagePublic Information Sessions were held on Tuesday, February 18, 2014.
Stage 2 - Request for Proposals/Contract Award
Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening has finished this stageDesign-Build contract issued in 2020.
Stage 3 - Construction Phase
Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening has finished this stageThe planned closure of Vye Road has been temporarily delayed. Project updates, including new closure dates will be posted to this site as they become available and the public is encouraged to check back often.
Stage 4 - Project Completion
Vye Road Overpass and Highway 11 Widening is currently at this stageSubstantial completion achieved on November 28, 2023. The Vye Road overpass will be fully open on December 8, 2023.
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Key Dates
December 2023
June 14 2021
June 2019
June 2019