Mill Lake Park Master Plan

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The City of Abbotsford is developing a comprehensive long-term plan for Mill Lake Park to provide a framework for the park’s ongoing development, use and management. The final Master Plan will provide a practical community based vision and guiding principles, illustrative conceptual plans for future improvements, and a phased construction strategy to guide the direction and prioritization of park projects and programming over the next 15 to 20 years.

Stage 1: Background Research/Key Findings

Stage 1 was focused on establishing baseline information for the current park area in order to better understand the opportunities and constraints of the park. This involved researching and investigating historic and existing City plans, policies and initiatives with relevance to Mill Lake Park and inventorying the existing site conditions, characteristics, park assets and character areas of the park. A draft vision and guiding principles were also developed and a thorough first round of public and key stakeholder engagement was completed to assess the community needs and priorities for the park.

Check out the Public Engagement Summary to find out what we heard.

Stage 2: Exploring Options

The beginning of Stage 2 was focused on developing three concept plans for the long-term development and management of the park based on the extensive community consultation that took place during Stage 1.

Please Note:

Various park amenities and infrastructure shown to be removed in the three concept plans may be relocated elsewhere within the City as considered appropriate through further consultation and the completion of further strategic plans and assessments such as the Aquatic Services and Facilities Strategy and the Sport Court and Field Strategy or the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. The timing of the addition, expansion, removal or relocation of amenities and infrastructure associated with a final park master plan will be a phased and staggered approach over the next 15-20 years.

At this time, the City is conducting a second round of community consultation to hear from residents, park users and stakeholders about the ideas being explored in the three concept plans.

We want to hear from you!

Options for public engagement include an online survey, virtual Q&A, stakeholder workshop(s) and two public open houses at the Park. Join us to have your say on the future of Mill Lake Park.

The City of Abbotsford is developing a comprehensive long-term plan for Mill Lake Park to provide a framework for the park’s ongoing development, use and management. The final Master Plan will provide a practical community based vision and guiding principles, illustrative conceptual plans for future improvements, and a phased construction strategy to guide the direction and prioritization of park projects and programming over the next 15 to 20 years.

Stage 1: Background Research/Key Findings

Stage 1 was focused on establishing baseline information for the current park area in order to better understand the opportunities and constraints of the park. This involved researching and investigating historic and existing City plans, policies and initiatives with relevance to Mill Lake Park and inventorying the existing site conditions, characteristics, park assets and character areas of the park. A draft vision and guiding principles were also developed and a thorough first round of public and key stakeholder engagement was completed to assess the community needs and priorities for the park.

Check out the Public Engagement Summary to find out what we heard.

Stage 2: Exploring Options

The beginning of Stage 2 was focused on developing three concept plans for the long-term development and management of the park based on the extensive community consultation that took place during Stage 1.

Please Note:

Various park amenities and infrastructure shown to be removed in the three concept plans may be relocated elsewhere within the City as considered appropriate through further consultation and the completion of further strategic plans and assessments such as the Aquatic Services and Facilities Strategy and the Sport Court and Field Strategy or the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. The timing of the addition, expansion, removal or relocation of amenities and infrastructure associated with a final park master plan will be a phased and staggered approach over the next 15-20 years.

At this time, the City is conducting a second round of community consultation to hear from residents, park users and stakeholders about the ideas being explored in the three concept plans.

We want to hear from you!

Options for public engagement include an online survey, virtual Q&A, stakeholder workshop(s) and two public open houses at the Park. Join us to have your say on the future of Mill Lake Park.

Page last updated: 16 May 2024, 10:51 AM