Berry Park Washrooms
Consultation has concluded
The City of Abbotsford is constructing new permanent washrooms in Berry Park which will replace the seasonal portables installed annually during peak park use . The new washrooms will be located west of the basketball court.
The new washrooms will complement the existing park amenities and will provide a safer, cleaner and more accessible alternative for park users year round. In addition to the new washrooms, the surrounding pathways will be reconfigured to ensure connectivity through the park and accessibility to the washrooms. The landscaping will be enhanced with additional trees and new planting beds.
The prefabricated washrooms are robust structures that are designed in a manner that helps to mitigate against common problems experienced with public toilets, such as vandalism and other undesirable behavior, and can be locked during evening hours. Construction of the new washrooms is anticipated to start early summer 2023 and be completed by fall 2023. The Park will remain open to the public during construction.
We want to hear from you! Take our short survey below, or ask us a question.
This project is funded by the City of Abbotsford and PacifiCan, the federal economic development agency for British Columbians.
If you have a question about this project, please submit it here and a staff member will get back to you!