Why is the City doing improvements at Mt Lehman Rd & Downes Rd?

    We are adding turn lanes and an additional southbound lane to improve traffic operations for motor vehicles.

    Didn't the City just do improvements at Mt Lehman Rd & Downes Rd in 2019?

    Yes, and the new proposed improvements will build on previous work done for further improvements to alleviate peak flow congestion.

    What is the City doing along the rest of Mt Lehman Rd?

    As a part of our Transportation and Transit Master Plan, we have plans to make upgrades all along Mt. Lehman Rd between Heritage Drive and Downes Rd. This includes property acquisition, road widening, and capacity improvements to accommodate growth.

    Why was a roundabout not considered for this intersection?

    As a part of the initial improvements to this intersection in 2019, a single-lane roundabout was considered as a potential option primarily due to the traffic and road safety benefits. Unfortunately, the roundabout option was not considered further because the large intersection footprint would encroach into an adjacent creek on the Northeast corner.

    How can I ask a question or make a suggestion regarding the project?

    If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas regarding the project, please use the "Ask a Question" or the "Share an Idea" tool on the project page.

    How will this project impact adjacent residences and businesses?

    If there are any impacts to the adjacent residences and businesses, we will work with these property owners directly.

    How will this project impact me during construction?

    During construction of the project, here is what you can expect and how you might be impacted:

    What can you expect

    • This is what you may see during construction:
      • Trucks, excavators, graders.
      • Construction workers.
      • Temporary fencing and signage.
      • Traffic control personnel.
    • This is what you may hear:
      • Sounds typical of construction sites including machinery and some increased traffic noises.

    How will you be impacted?

    • You may need more time to walk, cycle, take transit, or drive through the area. We will do our best to minimize traffic disruptions and ensure safety for all road users and construction personnel.
    • You may need to park elsewhere. We often need to park our vehicles as close as possible to the construction site and need space for storing materials and equipment. We will do our best to minimize use of on-street parking and parking disruptions.
    • You may hear loud construction noise during the day.
    • You may notice construction dust. We will do our best to control dust.

    How will your property or my business be impacted?

    • We may need to temporarily close accesses to local properties and businesses during construction. We will work with local properties and businesses to minimize access disruptions.

    When will construction happen?

    • Construction is preliminarily proposed for Summer 2024 pending budget approval.
    • We will update you on the anticipated construction start and end dates closer to the time of construction.

    I am a person with mobility challenges or have specific mobility needs. How will this project impact me?

    The proposed improvements will be designed to the latest accessibility standards to provide equitable access for people of all ages and abilities. This may include but is not limited to the following accessibility upgrades:

    • Accessible curb ramps for people with varying abilities and mobility devices.
    • Accessible pedestrian signals and pushbuttons complete with audible indications.
    • Marked pedestrian crossings at the traffic signal.
    • Improved pedestrian waiting areas on the intersection corners to accommodate people with varying abilities and mobility devices.
    • Reduced pedestrian crossing distances.
    • Tactile walking surface indicators at all curb ramps.

    If you have any comments or concerns about accessibility or how your specific mobility needs can be accommodated, please get in touch with Project staff at eng-info@abbotsford.ca

    How will this project impact active transportation, including people walking, cycling, and/or rolling?

    While this project is primarily focused on improving traffic operations for motor vehicles, there are some proposed minor improvements for active transportation. This includes crosswalks on all sides of the intersection and on-street painted bike lanes (not All Ages and Abilities).

    Check out the project description to learn more.

    How will this project impact transit?

    Transit does not operate in this intersection. 

    This project is not anticipated to significantly impact transit users or transit operations.

    How will this project impact (vehicular) traffic?

    This project includes a new Northbound Right Turn lane and southbound receiving lane to make it easier and quicker to move through the intersection. 

    Check out the project description to learn more.

    Why is the construction schedule shown as tentative?

    Sometimes things come up in design that require approvals from other agencies or other governments which can increase the time required for design prior to construction. Things that can push out the construction start date are proposed major utility relocations (e.g. BC Hydro utility pole relocation) or assessments of potential environmental impacts (e.g. impacts to a salmon bearing stream).