Traffic Calming Program 2024
Consultation has concluded
Each year, the City of Abbotsford installs traffic calming measures on various streets across the City. Streets are prioritized for traffic calming based on traffic speeds, traffic volumes, and proximity to vulnerable road users (parks, schools).
To learn more about traffic calming in the City of Abbotsford, please consult our website.
The City of Abbotsford has reviewed recent traffic calming requests submitted by residents across the City. Based on our review, candidate streets for the 2024 traffic calming program are listed in priority as follows:
Priority 1 - Laneways
- McCallum Lane between Braun Ave and Cannon Ave
Priority 2 - Local Roads
- Sandpiper Dr between Blue Jay St and Southern Dr
- Sandringham Dr between Cassandra Dr and Sandringham Rd
- Fern St between McKenzie Rd and Salton Rd
- Adair Ave between Tretheway St and Atwater Cr (west)
- Langdon St-Hylan Ave between South Fraser Way and Parkview St
- Marble Hill Dr between St Moritz Way and Glenn Mountain Dr
Before we advance further, we would like to know if the project has broad support from neighbourhood residents:
- View the traffic calming plans for your street (see Traffic Calming Plans section of this page)
- As per the City of Abbotsford Traffic Calming Policy, traffic calming will only occur if the following conditions are satisfied:
- At least 50% of the affected property owners respond to the survey.
- At least 67% of respondents are in favour of the traffic calming plan.
- Please note that the traffic calming plans approved for construction may be a little different from these plans as there may be some minor speed hump location shifts to accommodate drainage, driveways, and utilities.
- A typical speed hump dimension is 4.0 m wide (in the direction of travel) and 80 mm in height. According to our engineering standards, a speed hump must be accompanied by a warning sign adjacent to the hump and pavement markings on the hump itself.
- As per the City of Abbotsford Traffic Calming Policy, traffic calming will only occur if the following conditions are satisfied:
- Send an email to indicating your support or opposition to the proposed traffic calming plan on your street by September 18, 2024:
- Please include "Traffic Calming Program 2024" in the subject line.
- Please include your name, your civic address, and a yes or no indicating support or opposition to the proposed traffic calming plan on your street.
- Please note that this is restricted to property owners of candidate streets.
- Please note that only one vote can be registered per civic address.
Submit your response by September 18, 2024.